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Therapy that Works with you!

Discover innovative treatment options to help you face, understand, and work through life's challenges.

Schedule a free twenty minute consultation today!

About Dr. Sam

I am Committed to Your Care

Primary Therapist


For over thirty years, I've been working with the Southern California community, helping individuals & families understand and respond to challenges with stress, anxiety, trauma, depression, and eating disorders.

Our Services

In-Person Virtual

It's not easy to start therapy. It's even harder to stay with it when thoughts and feelings get difficult and scary. We'll be here–listening, supporting, & guiding you–as you take back control and confidence in yourself & your life.

Schedule a Session

About Stress and Anxiety

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Annoyed? Hopeless? Perhaps even apathetic about the current stressors in your work or personal life? Finding strategies that can you help you learn to manage pressures at work, at home, or even on the drive in can significantly improve your physical and mental well being.

We are here to help.

Schedule Session: Stress and Anxiety

About Eating Disorders

Find your center.

Eating disorders are often symptoms of trauma or chronic stressors in our past or present situations. We can help you understand and respond to challenges with your sense of body, mind, and self.

We are here to help.

Schedule Session: Eating Disorders
Woman sitting with head in arms. The mood is intended to represent feelings of depression, stress, despair.

About Depression

Depression is not a personal weakness. It is a mental illness which is characterized by prolonged emotional symptoms.

We are here to help.

Schedule Session: Depression

About Trauma | PTSD, EMDR

Have you recently suffered a loss or traumatic event? Perhaps a tragedy in your past that you cannot quite find your way through? There are approaches to working with and through your trauma. Not moving beyond or forgetting; but understanding, embracing, and reframing.

We are here to help.

Schedule Session: Trauma | PTSD, EMDR

Schedule your Session Today!

We offer in-person, virtual, & phone sessions

If you've selected "Telephone," please provide a telephone number. All telephone responses will be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (PST) Monday - Friday.
If you have any additional information or questions for Dr. Sam, please provide here.